I sit herein my bathroom,thinking about the Saviorandhow He has given meso much. I sit hereon the edge of the tubwith a notebook on my knee,the pen scratching the page,and the only soundto accompany meis my own breathing. in, out.in, out. my wife sleeps in the other roomjust beyond the door.I hear her breathing as…
Category: Poetry
road trash: a poem
walked my kids along the normal pathwe usually take. it was littered with trashI had never really noticed: a discarded Covid mask (black cotton).unused Taco Bell sauce packets.overturned construction panel(orange and white),the bottom opened like a depressed mouth.an empty Capri Sun packet.half of a large convenience store Styrofoam cupthat will never break down.crushed oleander flowers…
stupid gnat: a poem
buzzing in front of me,this annoying creaturewith no other purposein thismundanelifethan to provoke. I stretch my hand outto catch you,miss,then,swipe again.succeed. I crush you within my grasp—fingers clutching palm.friction ofa calloused handsqueezing soft tissueand guts,your body barely visible. a black and red speckwet withremains. what must you have thoughtas it happened? those last few seconds…
apartment fire: a poem
when I was a young tike,like 3 or 4,it was just my mom and Iliving in a small apartment,on the secondof three floors. oh, and we had a cockatielnamed Max. also at this time,my mom was dating this guynamed Eric.he was a cool guy.I liked him. anyway,one night,my mom is studyingfor a college examand it’s…
savior: a poem
an innocent man,bore the burdenof sinfor all mankindand then wasbrutally executed. the spotless lambled to slaughter. He was:beaten.spat on.mocked. yet, He forgave.oh yes, He forgave! flogged and whipped,back torn to shreds—muscles and tendons exposed.clothes ripped and frayed.rivers of bloodstreamed down his sides.a crown of thorns waspressed into his fleshandnails were driventhrough his hands and feet.then…