every year, tsunamis hit harder.
every year, hurricanes hit harder.
every year, earthquakes hit harder.
every year, sunrays hit harder.
the crust of the Earth slowly dries up—
withers and cracks,
parched and dehydrated.
the glaciers of the Earth slowly melt into oceans—
icebergs into ice cubes,
shaved and dissolved.
the forests of the Earth are slowly destroyed—
cut down and burned,
chopped up and charred.
the animals of the Earth slowly go extinct—
abused and slaughtered,
poached and hunted.
and the people of the Earth—
just don’t care.
this is a poem from my book bearing the burden of existence, available on Amazon.
Be sure to check out my blog, A Soul Redeemed.
What Poetry Feels Like
Category: Poetry