many say there is no God—
that there’s no evidence
of His existence.
but I’d argue
that the very
face of God
is in everything
around us.
from the tiniest insects—
no bigger than granules of sand—
to blue whales
larger than two school busses
from miniscule lizards to gargantuan elephants.
from dainty hummingbirds to mighty eagles.
from snacked-on krill to predator sharks.
from the millions of heavenly bodies,
to the brightest stars and the darkest moons,
and black holes and gas planets and meteorites.
from the life-giving heat of the sun,
to the reflective surface of the moon,
and the fact that the Earth
is the only life sustaining planet
we know of
we exist on it,
moving thousands of miles an hour.
from the vast array of materials
found in the Earth
we use for manufacturing,
to live our lives
and make them easier,
and the invisible elements
we harvest for energy.
from the beauty
of all of creation
and its billions of species,
to the destructive nature
of the very planet itself
in the form of
I see God in
the innate love I have for my children,
and their inquisitive nature,
their unadulterated laughter,
the way they overcome challenges.
I see Him in
the obsequious love
my dogs have for me, undeserved,
the tiny mews of my newborn kitten.
I see it in the abstract
and the absolute.
I see it in
and magnetism,
and medicine,
and chemistry,
and language,
and math.
in life and death,
in pain and suffering,
in joy and laughter.
in existing.
I don’t fault you
if you don’t see it.
This is a poem from my first poetry book, bearing the burden of existence, available on Amazon.